Judge in the 2008 JESSUP - The Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition, hosted by White & Case, Poland.
Moot Court judge, John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland.
Guest speaker - International Women's Day, Warsaw, Poland, March 2006.
Lectured on EU and other topics at the University of New York and New York University in Prague and other venues. (2002-Present)
Lectured on international development and rule of law issues at various venues in South Africa. (1997-1999)
Visiting professor for the Tuscany Region China Training Program, Pisa, March 1996. Development of Commercial Relations with the People’s Republic of China - International Investments and Joint Ventures.
Featured speaker -What is Venture Capital. Italian-Mexican Chamber of Commerce (Florence), July 1995.
Faculty member on a USAID-funded one-week training workshop on International Joint Ventures organized in collaboration with the Association of Commercial Jurists from the Republic of Macedonia, the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, and the American Bar Association, Central and East European Law Initiative (CEELI) in Ohrid, Macedonia. November 1994.
Guest lecturer - Delivered paper and lecture on Negotiating, Structuring and Documenting the International Joint Venture to the Thirty Second Meeting of the Association of Commercial Jurists from the Republic of Macedonia. November 1994.
Legal Panelist - International Trade Summit, sponsored by the Greater Little Rock Chamber of Commerce, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 1990.
Legal Panelist - 24th Annual Georgia Foreign Trade Conference, Savannah, Georgia, October 3, 1990.
Legal Panelist - American Electronics Association, Washington, D.C. Office - AEA Conference on Doing Business in Eastern Europe and the USSR, June 27, 1990. Structuring the Business Venture.
Legal Panelist at Virginia Center for Innovative Technology Program for Soviet Managers, sponsored by The American Management Association, June 25, 1990. Successful and Unsuccessful Negotiations of US-Soviet Joint Ventures: Why They Were or Were Not Successful.
Legal Panelist - Ohio Manufacturers Association, Columbus, Ohio, May 1990. Exploring Markets and Bringing the Deals Together: A View from the Trenches - Common Problems, Uncommon Solutions.
Featured speaker - 1990 Financial Conference - Warner-Lambert Company - Life and Economics of Eastern Europe, May 31, 1990.
Round table participant of the General Counsel of the United States’ Department of Commerce’s initiatives to disseminate information about legal developments in Eastern Europe. May 1990.
Featured speaker - Comsat Headquarters, Maryland, January 1990. Business Ventures in the Soviet Union.
Legal Panelist - International Law Society, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., December 1989. Doing Business in the Soviet Union.
Legal Panelist - National Women for Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C., December 1989.
Legal Panelist - Kentucky World Trade Center, Lexington, Kentucky, November 1989. USSR Trade: Looking to the 1990's - Joint Ventures, Foreign Trade Zones & Investors.
Legal Panelist - Memphis Chamber of Commerce, US Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, Memphis Office, and Memphis State University, November 1989. The Challenge of Doing Business in the Soviet Market - Perspectives of a US Attorney in Moscow.
Featured Speaker - Georgetown University Seminar for Foreign Commercial Officers of the US Department of Commerce, August 1989.
Featured Speaker - Association of Women Lawyers. Invited by the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council office, Moscow, USSR, 1988.